2023 Strathmore Social Needs Assessment
The Town of Strathmore engaged HelpSeeker Technologies to enhance its approach to data generation, processing, and insight development from a variety of data sources, emphasizing the importance of community engagement. In collaboration with the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) team, HelpSeeker worked alongside community partners to collect, analyze, and interpret data for this summary report, as well as for the more detailed technical report and data compendium.
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Guns & Gangs Trends in Lower Mainland
Lower Mainland
Gangs in the Lower Mainland recruit vulnerable children as young as 11 or 12, exploiting their vulnerabilities with false promises of money and protection. The gang lifestyle is glamorized through social media and rap music, which contributes to increased violence. Additionally, parents without family support are at high risk for gang recruitment. Even children from affluent families are not immune to the lure of gang involvement.
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Quesnel Service and Housing Options Review For Vulnerable Populations
City of Quesnel
This report aims to present a comprehensive analysis of housing and support services needed to address vulnerabilities faced by select populations in the City of Quesnel. These communities are Lhtako Dene Nation, Nazko First Nation, Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation, and ?Esdilagh First Nation, collectively referred to as the Communities. The purpose of this project is to explore the specific needs of these populations to develop targeted solutions that can effectively reduce the risk of homelessness.
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Sunshine Coast Social & Housing Needs Assessment
Sunshine Coast
The Sunshine Coast does not have appropriate housing and support services to meet the current and changing needs of the community. This is layered on top of a growing yet aging population, the ongoing impacts of colonialism on Indigenous people, the opioid crisis, and the urgent need for climate resiliency. While the greatest demand is for smaller housing units, almost 80% of the current inventory consists of single detached dwellings. This type of housing is unaffordable for most median-income households; is not typically designed for climate resiliency; and does not support walkable neighbourhoods.
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Airdrie Housing Solutions Working Group Summary Report
City of Airdrie
Airdrie’s growing population presents housing opportunities, but rising costs and limited affordability challenge seniors, families, newcomers, and essential workers. The Airdrie Housing Solutions Working Group (AHSWG) develops forward-thinking, Council-endorsed strategies to address these issues. This report proposes a "Made-in-Airdrie" approach to enhance affordability, availability, and inclusivity for a sustainable housing future.
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Municipalities Under Pressure: The Human and Financial Cost of Ontario’s Homelessness Crisis
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
Ontario is at a tipping point in its homelessness crisis. new evidence reveals the unprecedented and growing stress on individuals, families, communities, and governments. For the first time, data from Ontario’s 47 municipal service managers has been aggregated and analyzed, providing a fuller picture of the issue, along with a roadmap for the future.
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Housing Needs Assessment Starter Kit
HelpSeeker Technologies
This Starter Kit is designed as a practical resource for municipalities, community organizations, and housing advocates looking to better understand and address local housing needs. It provides a flexible approach to gathering essential data and insights supporting informed decision-making and planning.
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Urban Reawakening: Confronting the Ghosts of Vacancy
HelpSeeker Technologies
Urban development and economic transitions frequently result in vacant properties within cities, presenting significant challenges. But with housing, mental health, and social isolation crises afoot, cities across Canada face a paradox of needing to build more social infrastructure, while many buildings and lots still remain empty. This paper presents a short overview of how cities across Canada are responding to this challenge.
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Emerging Signals Alert: Seniors Home Takeovers in Canada
HelpSeeker Technologies
Seniors' home takeovers in Canada are an emerging social issue where vulnerable older adults are coerced or manipulated into allowing individuals to take over their homes, often for illicit activities. This phenomenon involves the exploitation of seniors' vulnerabilities, leading to various forms of abuse and compromising their safety, well-being, and independence in the Canadian context.
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Karto Signals: Shifting Responses to Encampments
HelpSeeker Technologies
In recent years, Canadian cities have witnessed a significant rise in the number of encampments. These spaces, often born out of necessity, have become a focal point in discussions about social infrastructure planning, social policy, and human rights. This Karto Signals briefing aims to serve as an introductory resource for social infrastructure decision-makers, offering a focused lens on four emergent signals that are set to impact the future of community wellbeing and safety.
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Karto Signals Redefining the Emergency: Integrating Disaster Responses with Complex Social Issues
Dr. Alina Turner
Examin the transformative approaches to emergency preparedness in Canada, amidst an era marked by escalating social and environmental challenges. This report delves into the integration of disaster response mechanisms with complex social issues, advocating for a holistic strategy that encompasses both prevention and response across multiple levels of government. It underscores the need for innovative, inclusive frameworks to ensure robust and equitable emergency management throughout the nation.
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2024 State of Child Wellbeing In Central Alberta
Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre and Red Deer Polytechnic
The "State of Child Wellbeing in Central Alberta" report, prepared by the Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre (CACAC) in partnership with Red Deer Polytechnic, provides an in-depth exploration of the current conditions affecting child wellbeing in the region. This report not only collects data on child maltreatment—including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse—but also examines the broader social, economic, and cultural contexts that influence these issues.
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